Keeping Safe Online
The internet is full of interesting, informative and sometimes random things, you can find out information about any topic, listen to music, see pictures and videos, play games, get together with friends and even make new ones. The internet has a lot of positive uses and it’s difficult to imagine our lives today without it!
Most young people spend a lot of time online and is a great way to socialise. BUT it is also a place where you take great care.
Did you know:
- Nearly a third of young people aged between 12 and 15 have online friends that they do not know personally
- Over half of teenagers have shared information online that can be used to identify themselves.
It's important that you think about staying safe online!
How to stay safe online
When you join a chatroom, you'll find people are very friendly but the person you are talking to might not always be who they say they are.
Here are some Top Tips to help you have fun and keep safe online:
- People you don’t know are strangers – a stranger on the street is the same as a stranger on the internet. You may feel like you know them because you talk and like the same things, but you don’t know them.
- Keep personal information safe – People will ask you questions, but you don’t have to answer them. Make a list of things which might be OK to share and a list of things that you definitely shouldn’t share.
- If something goes wrong and you feel scared and worried – talk to someone it can be parents, grandparents, siblings or a trusted adult.
Warning signs when you're chatting online
- When someone keeps asking for your phone number or address
- If the person emails you pictures which make you feel uncomfortable and which you would not want to show to anyone else
- You shouldn’t have to keep chats they have with you secret
- The person chatting tells you that you will get into trouble if you tell an adult what has been going on
- You are asked to email them pictures of yourself or use a webcam in a way which makes you feel uncomfortable
- They ask to meet you face to face but tells you not to let anyone know
You can find out more about grooming and what it means here.
Think before you send
When you share images online it is out there for the world to see – think if you would like your friends, parents, teachers seeing this? If not, don’t send.
You should never feel pressured into sending an image of yourself to anyone. Once you press send it is no longer just in your control and some people may use it against you in the future.
Did you know?
Being involved in sending explicit pictures, where the person in the picture is under the age of 18, can be a criminal offence. This could lead to you getting into trouble with the police, affect your chances of getting a job and even limit the countries that you can travel to.
If someone is asking you to do things you are not comfortable with, you can make a report to CEOP who will provide you with advice. CEOP is a law enforcement agency to keep children and young people safe from sexual exploitation and abuse. You can make an online report to one of CEOP’s Child Protection Advisors.
If someone is forcing you to send an inappropriate image of yourself you should report them to the Police by calling 101.
Download ChildLine's free Zipit app for loads of great comebacks if someone's trying to get you to send them a sexual image.
You can call also call Childline free on 0800 1111 and this number won’t appear on a telephone bill. Available 24 hours a day.
Following digital footprints
The things you put online can be seen by lots of people and might stay online forever. They are like digital footprints – a trail that people can follow, picking up pieces of information about you.
We all leave digital footprints and with every new profile, photo or comment we add new ones. People that you know, and people you don’t, can learn a lot from them.
Do you know what yours say about you?
Have you ever tried typing your name into Google to see what comes up?
Just Like Me?
Remember if you are scared or worried about anything you’ve seen online, or been asked to do, or you need some help and advice, there's lots of information about keeping yourself safe online and when using your mobile. Check out: